
Minimal surfaces and Quantization

The course of 2025.1 is going to be a 60/40 solution of the default graduate course on Minimal Surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space with research oriented Quantization agenda. The ratio 60/40 is a critical ratio for the course to be classified as a regular course (as opposed to topics).

Regular Syllabus for Minimal Surfaces

Basic Bibliography:

  1. Ulrich Dierkes, Stefan Hildebrandt, Friedrich Sauvigny: Minimal surfaces. Springer, 2010. 688 pages
  2. Herbert Blaine Lawson: Lectures on minimal submanifolds. Publish or Perish, 1980. 181 page
  3. Robert Osserman: A survey of minimal surfaces. Dover, 1986. 224 pages

Additional Bibliography:

  1. Robert Osserman (Ed.): Geometry V. Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, volume 90, Springer, 1997. http://mi.mathnet.ru/book119 266 pages
  2. Tobias Holck Colding, William Philip Minicozzi II: A course in minimal surfaces, AMS, 2011. 313 pages

Extra bibliography:

References for Quantization